In the Press
Blognotes: Totem e Tabù, Issue 17, p. 16, January
Purevant Living - Person and Planet No5, pp. 35, 41, 46 & 56, 24 November
Live interview with Pot Agency, 30 October (in italiano)
Eco-Artivist Showcase: Rubbish Artist Exhibition at Re-Store, Acton, Act for Ealing, October
Masters of Vision, Boomer Gallery Magazine, by Anthony Fawcett, Issue 5, October
Francesca Busca e l’arte come strumento di sostenibilita’, ABC Arte Benessere Creativita’ podcast, Ep. 35, July
Interview on Visual Art Journal #5, pp. 12-15, August
How can artists process loss through their art?, Arts to Hearts podcast, Ep. 25, So4, July
Art and Woman - The Life and Creative World of 100 Women Artists From Around The World, Arts to Hearts Project, July
Artists to Watch 2024, Masterful Minds #3, World Wide Art, p. 26, July
Narratives of Care: virtual talk with Joana Alarcao, Luka Ver Elst and Tessa Teixera, Insights of an Eco Artist, 11th of June
More Than Meets the Eye: Art as an Investment, Private Wealth Management, William Blair, p. 6, May
Mani, sentieri, installazioni: l’arte all’Arsenale per esplorare la connessione tra uomo e mare, Corriere del Veneto, 29th May
Al Salone Nautico di Venezia c’è anche l’ Arte, L’okkio, 31st May
Salone Nautico Venezia: è diventato un successo internazionale, Metropolitano, 30th May
L’arte di Francesca Busca, dare vita ai rifiuti prodotti da chi opera in mare, La Nuova, p. 39, 29th May
Francesca Busca in residenza artistica all’Istituto di Scienze Marine del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, AdriaEco, 29th May
CNR-ISMAR residenza artista Francesca Busca – presentazione opera “Sea it!” mercoledì 29 maggio 10.00, Italia News Media, 29th May
Salone Nautico di Venezia: Il Programma Inaugurale, Nautica, 28th May
“Eco-Artivismo”, Cnr-Ismar: domani a Venezia presentazione opera “Sea it!”, Cult, 28th May
Francesca Busca in residenza artistica all’Istituto di Scienze Marine del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italia Vela, 28th May
CNR-ISMAR resides artist Francesca Busca – presentation opera SEA IT!, Mincio & Dintorni, 28th May
Francesca Busca in residenza artistica all’Istituto di Scienze Marine del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Vicenza Report, 28th May
CNR-ISMAR press release, 28th May
Francesca Busca in residenza artistica all’Istituto di Scienze Marine del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Vela Veneta, 27th May
Venice Boat Show 2024, save the date: 29 May – 2 June, Mondo Barca Market, 27th May
L’arte sbarca al salone nautico di Venezia, Italia Informa, 27th May
#MarcoPolo700: l’arte protagonista del Salone Nautico Venezia. Tra le installazioni anche due omaggi all'esploratore veneziano, Le VIe di Marco Polo, 25th May
L’arte protagonista del Salone Nautico Venezia, Pressmare, 25th May
“Francesca Busca Exhibition – Daily at Tesa 102”, Events, Salone Nautico di Venezia, May
Il Cnr-Ismar di Venezia “residenza artistica” dell’artista Francesca Busca, CNR News, 22nd May
CNR-ISMAR news, 22nd May
CNR-ISMAR press release, 20th May
Radio Interview with Mariella Grande, Radio Spazio Donna, Radio Nuova Trieste, 16th May
Art Review by Tabish Khan, May
Contemporary Art Collectors Magazine – The Luxury Collection of Contemporary Artistry, pp.100-101, May
“Ecologia, Arte ed Attivismo: la storia di Francesca Busca, da Udine a Londra e ritorno” (Ecology, Art and Activism: the story of Francesca Busca, from Udine to London and return”), by Alberto Abate, Il Friuli, May
Radio Interview with Mariella Grande, Radio Spazio Donna, Radio Nuova Trieste, 9th May
Blognotes: Contaminazioni, Issue 14, pp. 5-6, April
ArtistCloseUp #17, p.38, April
In Conversation: Francesca Busca, Insights of and Eco Artist by Joana Alarcão, March
Interview on ArtistCloseUp, March
Art review by Marta Puig on Contemporary Art Curator Magazine, February
Editor’s Blog, Artist Close Up, February
“Francesca Busca: Rubbish Artist", Blognotes: Incontro, Issue 12, November
Speaker at the "Pushing the Boundaries" Forum, British Association for Modern Mosaic, Youlgrave, October
Person & Planet, issue 4
"From Law to Mosaic Art with Francesca Busca", Managing the Smart Mindpodcast interview with Else Kremer, ep. 83, June
Make Your Own Mosaics: Ancient Techniques to Contemporary Art (Crafts) by Helen Miles, Pen & Sword, 2023 (pp. 31-32)
"From Trash to Art", Art Etcetera Magazine, 7th edition, November
"What a Load of Rubbish", artist talk, London School of Mosaic, 10 May
A Different Life, Piece by Piece, Prerana Phadnis, The Book Guild Ltd (p. 13)
Person and Planet, Purevant Living, Spring 2022, April
Talk with the art students of the University of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Fine Arts Association, 26 February
Divide Magazine, Vol 1 Issue No. 1, January
"Talking Trash", The Flux Review, 3rd edition, November
"When waste became of taste: upcycling with Francesca Busca", Staiy Edit, by Alice Cavicchia - Sept
Creative Quarterly 59, September
"Off the Walls: Inspired Re-Creations of Iconic Artworks", Getty Museum, September
Saatchi Gallery: 2 artworks selected among their favourites in the #FutureofWork #SaatchiTakeover competition, August
Radio interview on Spazio Donna, Radio Nuova Trieste (in Italian). Hosted by Mariella Grande, 30 July
Live with Staiy, 29 July
Saatchi Gallery: 2 artworks selected among their favourites in the #recycling #SaatchiTakeover competition, July
Radio interview on Spazio Donna, Radio Nuova Trieste (in Italian). Hosted by Mariella Grande, 23 July
"The Flux Review", June
"Women", Straw Litter Productions, Nicola Wild, Dec
Creative Quarterly No55, July
"A Breath of Fresh Air", The Parentslogue, 12th April
"A Breath of Fresh Air, children’s art tackles air pollution", by Bridget Galton, Ham&High, 25 March
"Interview with Francesca Busca" by Joseph Kennedy, March
"Quotes", Straw Litter Productions, by Mike Healey & Andy Wild, March
CreativPaper Magazine, Issue 12, Dec
"Clearing the air with an exhibition on pollution", by Shillpi A. Singh, The Morning Standard, 1st Dec
Spotlight Contemporary Art Magazine, issue 11, Nov
Aesthetica Magazine, Issue 83, June/July
Cooltzine #1, London, May
Grout, Spring
Art Reveal Magazine, May ("Little Things")
Jackson's Art, Flux Exhibition Highlights, London, April
The Heroine's Journey of Francesca Busca, April
Exquisite Arts Magazine, March
Psycho book, Broken Grey Wires
Artslant, January
The First Berliner Art book, Jan
1340 Art Magazine, Q1
The Wharf, London, 5 Oct
Art Review by Paolo Levi, September
Still Point Arts Quarterly, May
The Gallery Guide, London, May
Interview, Artsy Shark, May
Solo Exhibition: Light, Space & Time Online Art Gallery, May
Digital MediaNet, May
ArtWeek, 16 May
Artsy.net, 15 May
Interview: Itsliquid, May
Exquisite Arts Magazine, April
Art International Contemporary Magazine, Jan/Feb
Exquisite Arts Magazine, January
Interview: Art Reveal Magazine, Issue N.23, December
ADN Bogota', Colombia - 6 Dec